jeudi 27 décembre 2018

How To Have A Home Of Your Desires And Dreams

By Elizabeth Robinson

Ah, they call it home sweet home. This tiny kingdom of parents and children are the basic foundation of societies. This is really the place where values are taught and learned. It is the dwelling place of a family. Here, infants learn how to crawl, then walk until they become responsible adult contributors to society. When they get entrapped by this silly thing called marriage they want a house of their own and will tap the services of home design othello wa.

Shelter is extremely important to humans. In its early days of existence, before the birth of technology, these poor creatures had to evade and escape wild animals that forest residents as well. They eventually settled down in caves which they had to clean and clear of creatures before moving in. That was the life of our early forebears.

Technology was introduced when man first made simple tools and learned how to use it. A sharpened stick turned into a weapon. Purposely cracked rocks and stones resulting in sharp edges turned into a cutting tool, good for cutting flesh and meat. Attaching the sharp edged rock to a stick converted it into primitive axes and war hammers.

With this simple implement and its naked hand, man started constructing structures. The first of these were simple abodes or houses. The structure was not complex and was strong enough to prevent other creatures from entering it. Nature abundantly provided the main material, trees. All parts of it were used and skin from dead animals was used to roof it.

These type of structure still exists in some parts of the world, especially in undeveloped countries. One just has to travel to remote areas and they can see these. Paradoxically, this is the same type that beach front property owners prefer to have in their resorts especially in the tropics where it is windy and warm. Being constructed primarily of wood, it certainly is very ecologically friendly.

Modern homes are now constructed using different material combinations. The foundation is mostly of concrete and steel while sidings are of prefabricated wall panels or glass. Roofs are mostly made of galvanized iron sheets. There are modest homes usually for middle and low income families and there are elegant palaces and mansions for the glitzy glamorous rich.

Governments have planners that will rationalize the use of land. The area is called zones and are governed by zoning laws. The area is then developed by real estate corporations who hire construction firms for planning and development of the area for construction of housing units. Sometimes this area is called the suburbia, a shortcut term for suburban places.

Houses can differ in size and shape depending on the wants and desires of the owner and the availability of financial resources. While most people like to move into larger houses, the trend nowadays is for smaller compact houses to save on cost in building, painting, cleaning and maintaining it. Most people now spend most of their time in other places.

Newlyweds who want to have their own place to stay can engage the services of an architect, whether as an individual practitioner or as an agent of an engineering and architectural company. The best thing to do is to conduct some informal research on this. Go out and exercise your legs and solicit some advice and suggestions from friends and neighbors.

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