jeudi 11 septembre 2014

Highlight of Second Life Art


Back in Second Life

To return to Second Life and enjoying art from a new perspective has been fun! I get to visit all the galleries that as the owner of a museum and art gallery, you do not have time to see!

It's also fun to discover new about the world of art in Second Life stuff. One of the biggest discoveries is that Linden Labs has endowed the arts, SL "Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA). Offer" earth "without payment of rent for emerging artists in Second Life. Committee composed by the famous and respected artists Second Life make up this committee, a litter box art and new gallery artists seeking funding can display their work here.

Once a month, committee members meet to the sandbox and vote on the best art based on previously agreed criteria. Then, the artist who won the votes of the earth have obtained for their art for three months. Visit LEA lands is fun and inspiring. Some great examples are LEA6, which has nine levels of hell in Dante and Catharsis, which is a 24-minute machinima magic!

Another new artistic discovery is 3D and kaleidoscope artwork. The 3D art is just that 3D and can be any object. The kaleidoscope art is very popular and it's like looking through a kaleidoscope when you were a child and see all the beautiful colors. Artistic movements and turns like a kaleidoscope.

The jump in good scripted artwork is amazing! This type of art is also called interactive art (with your Avatar). Sometimes the image is played and the blocks out of the picture or you stand and the artwork "does" something with you!

The new sculptors in Second Life are introducing new styles and designs, such as artistic spheres, where you have an environment that does not depend on the Second Life viewer allowing the artist more control over the heavens and the earth.

However, the most popular work of art in the galleries visited Second Life is photography. Some artists are coming to an image in Photoshop; many claim that their work is untouched!

This gives my creativity an outlet and a forum to display my art! I do not consider myself in the same league as Spiral Silverstar, Feather Boa, Milly Sharple, to name a few, but I still love art and want to share what I find to be perfect image in Second Life! I also note that close and galleries that have been in Second Life for as long as I'm here, and only a few remain.

I was surprised to discover Primtings taking a job in real life art teacher, then they are in 3D and show the original picture beside the 3D one, giving new meaning to "make art come to life." this type of art is displayed in another sim with a different name when I got to SL and it was fun to find this fun art style, especially since original 3D museum sealed.

Artists bring their Real Life art projects in Second Life and ask for volunteers to participate. I am involved in a new and exciting project in SL called, "more than 1,000 projects Avatar" by Gracie Kendall. It is a great adventure with you as an avatar and how people see themselves!

Another amazing work of art is art that you can use; Some artists take control works in real life and create a team photo for you to wear!

Last but not least was my tour of the Halloween sims; which had to be Featured fear, gives me goose bumps on the back of my neck, making me shiver and be afraid, but I was only a pixelated avatar! I liked the way they took our basic fears and fear of tar in you! Sims fog, gore, fear of the dark, and clowns! There is something for everyone! Some galleries are the Grimm fairy tales come to life his brother a little true to the story, but others give them a touch from the perspective of an adult!

It is my belief that everything in Second Life is an art, but some take for true artistic levels that mere mortals can only admire!

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