samedi 6 septembre 2014

Buying Art for a Friend


There are simply too many reasons to buy gifts for family and loved ones - birthdays, weddings, festive seasons, party house warming ... the list is long. The next time you are about to start buying the gift for friends and have no idea what to buy, why not consider purchasing art? A beautiful piece of art displayed in the house of his friend not only beautify the place, but also be a good talking point for visitors.

That said, buying art for someone else can be tricky. The last thing you want is to buy something that does not match the decor of the house of his friend. Ultimately, you could end up putting the work quietly in the closet. To prevent this from happening, you should make sure that the art you buy should complement your home decor.

Here are some tips to help you make the right purchasing decisions:

1 Arrange a visit

If you have never visited the house of his friend, try to arrange a meeting so you can get a glimpse of the place. While you're here to pay special attention to the issue of home decor. It is modern, contemporary, minimalist, or maybe Victorian time? Maybe your friend is well traveled and collected antiques worldwide. Maybe he likes Asian styles, as evidenced by the furniture and decorative household items. Be careful as the color theme. The walls are colored with bright primary colors, or earth tones on the cake? These considerations will influence your decision on the type of gear that you will buy.

2 Identify a space for art

While in the house, to identify a wall where you may want the artwork to hang. It can be very difficult to find adequate space for hanging art - especially if the wall is already decorated with other works of art. Remember you do not have to buy a big piece that covers the entire wall. You can have a little piece of art that can share wall space with other pieces that are already there. You just need to pay attention to the issue of these works of art. For example, if these pieces are photographs of architectural buildings black and white, then you have a pretty good idea about the type of gear to buy to go against others.

3 Consider the color theme

A rule of thumb is to take note of the two strongest colors in the room, and then choose the art that has those colors in them. For example, if the room has a lot of brown and beige, you can select the art that has these colors in them, but it is good to have an extra splash of red or yellow in it color. After all, you want the art to stand out and tell a story, do not choose something that goes well until it becomes imperceptible.

Take note of other things in the room that can be catchy. For example, if there is a beautiful Persian carpet in the center of the room as the owner is very proud, and choose a work of art with subtle colors in the carpet will not steal the spotlight from him. A room with carpets, curtains and artwork while shouting for attention can pull the whole room off balance.

4 Pay attention to the style of decoration

It is important to find the art that matches the style of the home decor of your friend. If the house has a Victorian style with it and it has a lot of antique old, choose something that fits closely with that style. Oriented or floral scenes campaign Paintings can never go wrong. Protect with antique frame style that will add a beautiful old haunted look. Remember the picture you choose is also part of the work, so do not ignore it. A frame with intricate details and carvings will work fine with a Victorian home or old campaign.

For a modern home with contemporary furniture that will almost spoiled for choice when it comes to contemporary art. For a room that is full of color, choose something that is black and white. For a room that has neutral colors, choose something that will stand out and attract attention. What is important is that you want the art to be noticed. Remember also, that the contemporary or abstract art, it means nothing. Different people interpret it differently. So do not be so hard on yourself when it comes to choosing the right technique for your friend.

5 Consider size

If you intend to purchase a work of art, make sure there is enough wall space to put it. It may seem like common sense, but from a standpoint of interior design, large pieces are more suitable for rooms with lots of space and high ceilings. If your friend lives in a small space, then certainly pieces may not be appropriate. In this case, get a smaller piece or better yet, get a set of small, similar in appearance art on the subject that can be grouped to see the works. On the other hand, if your friend lives in a house with lots of space, buying art that is too small to make it look out of place and out of proportion.

So there you have it - just some basic guidelines to get you in the right direction. Remember, if all else fails and you really can not find adequate space for hanging art, you can always put his work in a picture frame and display it next to other images. Nothing is impossible. Just a little experimentation can do wonders.

Enjoy your shopping of art!

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