samedi 6 septembre 2014

Drawing Pencil Sketches

It is no secret that drawing pencil sketches is the ultimate in freedom of expression.

Drawing and sketching are very similar except sketching is kind of liberating. I'm convinced it is another option to accomplish better drawing skills. Read where I previously discuss my interpretation of the difference between drawing and sketching.
My all-time favorite is landscape sketches...
Landscape Sketch
I copied this image from an old book that has expired in copyright. My illustration isn't the same but I like to give credit to the original artist who saw the beauty in this scene.

As I progress through the drawing, things end up out of place and probably out of proportion but I just make some adjustments here and there until it all seems to fit together.

I used the side of a 2B wood pencil lead to create the foliage in the background because I think that gives the illusion of depth with the blurriness of trees so far away.

The texture of my sketchpad also adds to the effect.

Just like learning to draw, there a few things that you need to keep in mind...
  • make a mental note to scribble quickly,
  • remind yourself that there is no erasing,
  • keep drawing in lines until a shape looks right,
  • if you're right-handed, go from left to right.
Focus on the simple task of seeing, forget about technique, you just want a true representation.
The images you see here are from my sketchbook and I'm quite proud of them, especially since they took only minutes to complete.

If you only give yourself the chance, you will see that you can do this, too! I am not skilled, I wasn't born with any kind of talent, I have taught myself in exactly the same way you intend to teach yourself.
All you have to do is make up your mind that you can do this. Well, that's what I did and it worked for me, so I'm passing everything I know along to you.

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