samedi 6 septembre 2014

What If Your Passion Waas Artful?


We are tired of hearing it from our parents and those who say they care about us. Do not take any artistic activity, because you will get nothing out of it. Art is not just something concrete? It's a fun hobby, at best, to kill time. This is something you do when you take a break to do other important things. The idea has been repeated over and over again and in most cases we are confident ingenious pursuing passions are not really worth it.

But an equal number of people continually prove critics wrong. If you take a look around you and observe their surroundings from the time you wake up, get out and go home, see the world is full and go because the smart things are created!

In reviewing the documents in cartoons morning that give the first smile of the day are able man with a sense of humor and a passion for drawing and sketching. It's the same thing for the books you read (and perhaps save the replay) as a child. Without people, these images would not come to life.

Look at the people around you and the clothes you wear, if you like the way you mix and match your clothes, that's all thanks to our artistic palette. And that fresh feeling you bought one of his favorite shirts is created because someone has a passion to create interesting images.

As you go to your school or work, you pass buildings with beautiful facades and structures that keep your eyes on them. Again, art is at the heart of the wonderful architecture.

We must also mention that the music link with your mp3 player? Without these very creative musicians, our world will be a sad silent or annoying noise.

Then there are the movies you always hope. A film will not succeed if it was not for a mix of artists: writers, or better yet, storytellers that make us interested in what's going to happen; actors that make the characters come to life - if not for them, we would not care a bit about what is happening; directors who bring it all together into a coherent whole; and the rest of the crew to make sure everything is perfect.

I could go on forever, but for now I'm sure you get the point. These so-called flights of fancy - the Doodle Bug, Conjure beats crazy, make up stories, building design, posing as someone else - are essential to our daily life ready to be discarded as unrealistic and unnecessary. May even dare to say that something is really big, you have to have an artistic soul. So go ahead and please not to remove his passion for spiritual things.

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